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Writer's pictureAshley

Should You Follow Up After a Job Interview?

Is it appropriate to follow up after a job interview?

If there's one thing that's almost universally agreed upon, it's that following up after a job interview is a good idea. You're clearly interested in the position, which means your prospective employer will be able to tell that you have dedication and enthusiasm for their company—and for your future career. It also shows off your communication skills: if you can't even send an email asking about the status of your application, how will you be able to handle important client meetings or conference calls? Finally, it shows initiative on the part of the applicant when they show initiative to contact their potential employer without being prompted by either party.

What's the best way to follow up after a job interview to show you're really interested in the job?

There are a few ways you can follow up with the interviewer and show that you're really interested in the job.

Send a handwritten thank-you note within 24 hours of your interview. This is still one of the best ways to show that you appreciate their time and interest in speaking with you, but it also shows that they have your full attention and commitment to making sure things go smoothly next time they see each other. This isn’t always possible since there may not be an immediate next step like another interview or call, but try to send at least one handwritten note per process—and if there is an opportunity for additional conversations down the road, make sure those are noted on the card as well so that all parties involved know what happened when (and when not) before sending another formal communication about how excited they are about working together again!

How should I follow up if I didn't get an answer after my second interview?

Asking for a decision one week after the interview is okay, but you shouldn’t wait any longer than that. If you haven’t heard back from your interviewer after two weeks, it's time to follow up again.

Your follow-up email should be brief and friendly: simply ask whether they've made their final decision yet and invite them to respond with feedback about how well your skills align with their opening requirements. You could also ask if there are other opportunities within the company that might fit better with your background or interests—this can help demonstrate how seriously you're taking this opportunity, even if they don't have anything else available at the moment.

The bottom line? Be polite! If nothing else, this will increase your chances of hearing back from them before someone else does (and potentially getting hired).

Is it too late to send a thank-you note or follow up email if I haven't heard back from the employer?

You should send a thank-you note or follow up email to any employer you interview with. It’s never too late to do this!

If you don’t hear back from an employer, send another follow up email or call their HR department. Follow up once more after that and if there is still no response, it may be time to move on. If you do hear back from the company and they ask for additional materials (resume, references, etc.), make sure that these documents reach them as quickly as possible so they can make their decision sooner rather than later.

Should you ever send a physical thank-you note, even if the interview was on Skype?

You should always send a thank-you note after an interview. It’s a good way to express your gratitude for their time, and it can help strengthen your candidacy if the interviewer remembers your name when it comes time to make a decision.

Following up can be tricky but can make quite an impression.

If a company has given you the opportunity to interview for a job, it's highly likely that they're interested in hiring you. The question is whether or not your interest in them will be reciprocated. By following up with a thank-you note or email after your interview, you can show that being able to work there would be a great situation for both parties.

This is such an important way of showing potential employers that not only do you want their business but also it will be mutually beneficial for them as well!


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